Mommyscene uses cookies to authenticate your login session but performs no tracking or sharing of this cookie information with any third party.

Your email address is used to authenticate you to your Mommyscene account and send you important updates about your account. Your email address is never willingly shared with any third party, with the following exception listed below.

Mailchimp receives your email address in order to send marketing emails on behalf of Mommyscene.
Your password is hashed with bcrypt and the original is never stored.

Any other information entered into Mommyscene such as mailing addresses, clients, payments, and application preferences, are strictly for presentation and functionality purposes within the app (e.g. to display your mailing address on your invoices). This information is never aggregated, used for advertising or marketing purposes, made publicly available, shared, or used for any purpose other than your own personal record keeping.

Your connection to Mommyscene is completely encrypted.

Please keep the following points in mind: Mommyscene is a software running on the Internet, and while I do my best to keep it secure, getting hacked is not outside the realm of possibility. Mommyscene runs on servers at Bubble Group, so someone there or someone who infiltrates their networks could have access to your data.

Terms of Service

Mommyscene is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis with no express or implied warranty for accuracy, functionality, or accessibility. Use this site at your own risk.

Do not submit illegal, harmful, threatening, vulgar, or obscene content. Mommyscene team assumes no liability for the content that you or other users submit to the site. Mommyscene team does not endorse, insure, warrant, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any content entered into the site or any transaction between users of the site and their clients. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Mommyscene team, it’s affiliates, agents, directors, employees, or licensors be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but without limitation damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses that result from the use of, or inability to use this service. Under no circumstances will Mommyscene team be responsible for any damage, loss, or injury resulting from hacking, tampering, or other un-authorized access or use of the service or your account or the information contained therein.

The Mommyscene site may change without prior notice, stop providing features to you or to users generally; or limit your usage. Your account may be permanently or temporarily terminated or suspended without notice if it is determined that you have violated any part of this agreement.

By purchasing Mommyscene, you expressly understand and agree to our refund policy: You can request a full refund within seven (7) days of your payment date as shown on your payment bill. No refunds will be permitted after this time.

Security is very important. If you have identified a security issue, please use the feedback form to submit technical details. Responsible disclosure of a security issue will be handled with respect and gratitude: there is no intention of attacking or punishing those who have found security holes in Mommyscene in a non-malicious way.

Although infrequently, these Terms of Service may change from time to time, so it is recommended that you periodically check back here to stay informed of any changes. Your continued use of Mommyscene after any change means that you agree with, and consent to be bound by, the new Terms of Service. If you disagree with any changes in this Terms of Service and do not wish to be subject to the revised Terms of Service, you will need to delete your account and stop using Mommyscene.